Matters Get Tense In Holly/Lesnar Match On SmackDown


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by Brian Tucker

As many of you may have seen on SmackDown! last night, there was a nasty spot during the Brock Lesnar and Hardcore Holly match, which culminated in Holly being dropped on his head from a powerbomb.

Backstage talk was suggesting that Holly was not selling enough for the champ, it is not known if this is related or not. The general consensus on the matter was that Holly was just acting as he always does; it was simply described as "Bob being Bob".

The spot did genuinely rattle Holly, as he didn't get up the way he should for the move. There is no question that Brock Lesnar is unbelievably strong, however, when a man with his power and stature does not help on such a spot, problems can arise and do.

Lesnar is a genuine nice guy who respects senior members backstage. In everyone's opinion, Holly was lucky that Lesnar was so calm about the matter and didn't snap.

In a final unrelated note, Lesnar was working with the flu during last night's match, which is why he was sweating more than normal.

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