News on Savage, O'Reilly, Douglas, Hall, Raw ratings and More


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by Koolio King

Major League Wrestling has stripped Shane Douglas of World Title status, stating that he wasn't willing to defend his title at the upcoming Sept. 26 event. "While this is an unfortunate situation, it is a decision that we find necessary in order to protect the credibility of the World Heavyweight Championship," stated Court Baurer of MLW. "Further, we believe that MLW's solution will truly reflect the company's vision of hybrid wrestling, with four of the top fighters of the modern era competing in two outstanding matches."

-The next MLW event on Sept. 26 in New York City, N.Y. at the Manhattan Center Ballroom features Steve Corino vs. Vampiro, La Parka vs. Shocker, Dick Togo & Ikuto Hidaka vs. Christopher Daniels & Low Ki, SteveWilliams & P.J. Freidman vs. The Samoan Island Tribe, Chris Candido vs. C.W. Anderson, and a title tournament with Sabu, Jerry Lynn, Taiyo Kea, and Satoshi Kojima.

-Last night on Fox News Channel, Bill O'Reilly interviewed the author of "Sex, Lies, and Headlocks" and the other was an "anti-WWE" activist. The activist complained that the McMahon's will do anything for money and that they exploit women, children, and exploited and mocked every other group, and now they doing it to the gays. He couldn't believe GLAAD and other groups were not protesting. Then Bill said they wouldnt protest because they like the attention. Earlier in the interview, they brought up The Beverly Brothers getting slurs shouted at them, and also Goldust's first stint in WWF.

-Jeremy Borash confirmed in his website update today that Scott Hall will be at the TNA event this Wednesday along with X-Pac. He also mentioned that Fox used footage of the Jarrett-Tennessee Titans angle during their pregame show last Sunday. He announced A.J. Styles vs. Kid Kash for Wednesday night's event. Tag teams confirmed for their tag tournament include Harris & Storm, Hotshots, Slash & Kobain, Ron Harris & Brian Lee, The SATs, and the Flying Elvises, with more to be announced. Also, Bob Armstrong will reveal who the Bullet is. Toby Keith of NASCAR will be present, too.

-If anyone has seen any post-wedding angle stories in the media, send us a note or a link. We haven't received any word of any such post-show stories at this point.

-Former WWF "Killer Bee" B. Brian Blair is running for county commissioner in Tampa, Fla., as noted in the latest Cody Monk wrestling column in the Dallas Morning News.

-In the back page entitled "fashion police" of the September 23rd edition of Us Weekly magazine, The Macho Man Randy Savage is dressed in his trademark over-the-top attire. The photo, presumably taken at the premiere of the Spiderman movie (where else would he be in the public's eye?), shows him with his date known only as Lynn. Savage is dressed in a sequined red tuxedo with matching bow tie and hat. Oh yeaa

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