Austin arrest update, Ferrara leaving NWA-TNA, and more


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by William Martinez

Steve Austin's recent arrest prompted some to assume that his wife Debra had filed charges against Austin for the domestic disturbance incident from back in June. That is not the case. The District Attorney of Bexar County decided to persue a case in criminal court after evaluating the complaint filed upon the date of the incident. Had a case in a civil court had been filed, then Debra would have been behind it.

When Ric Flair smashed the guitar against the ring post on Raw last night, some shrapnel from the guitar went into the hand of a man sitting in the front row but he was alright.

NWA-TNA announced today that Ed Ferrara is leaving the company to persue other interests. Don West and Mike Tenay will cover broadcasting duties for tomorrow night's pay-per-view.

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