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Hey wrestling fans. It is I, your over opinionated blow hard, coming at you with a personal query for you. As of this writing, it is now little over one week before our "national past time," baseball goes on strike. I have not been an active baseball fan since 1986, yet this pisses me off and should piss you off too. Here's why:

What does a major superstar in baseball make? Twenty-million a year roughly. What does a major superstar in wrestling make? Two to Five million a year. How long does a baseball player work during a season? Well, if you count spring training, eight months roughly. How long is a wrestlers season? ALL YEAR LONG! The risk for injury is greater if your a pro-wrestler also. Sure there are risks in baseball but how often do you see it?

What I am trying to say is these primadonnas got it all right compared to pro-wrestlers. Wrestlers give a lot of themselves on a daily basis just to entertain you. They give up their bodies, their family life suffers from being on the road a lot and they do not get paid nearly as much as a professional baseball player does. Baseball should be ashamed of themselves for even thinking of going on strike.

When's the last time you saw a professional wrestlers strike? I have been watching wrestling for about 20 years and I can tell you, NEVER! Sure there have been controversies but usually they sign with another federation or quit. Never strike. If you ask me, we should be paying the wrestlers more instead of someone who swings a bat about 12 times per game.

Before I get my chops busted for sounding nonunion let me tell you I am a UAW member. I know there are reasons for a strike such as unsafe working conditions but last I checked baseball was not suffering from that. Wrestlers go through more unsafe working conditions than baseball players. All I have to do is mention a few names. Men like Bruiser Brody, Owen Hart, The Droz and Big Dick Dudley. There are many more to list but not enough space here at this time.

If you ask me, let the pansies strike. I will be sitting at home or, if they should come to my town, sitting at an arena and watch wrestling. I know they aren't going anywhere and will entertain me much more than baseball has this year.

The Mark

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