The Mark Columnist


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by The Mark

The following is this weeks article from yours truly:

Summerslam has come and gone and everything pretty much went as expected, though I will admit I was surprised that the Angle/Mysterio match was first. That just struck me as a mid-card to near end of the night match considering the talent of these two men. However, it did grab my attention and not make me leave the couch to go do something else. Unlike the Jericho/Flair and Edge/Guererro matches.

See, Jericho got upset with fans because, on the last pay per view Vengeance, they said his match sucked. Saying that, Jericho will hate me for saying this, his match at Summerslam was not exactly what I would call his best. Do not get me wrong, both Jericho and Flair are great wrestlers and I know what they must go through to put on a match but I really found this match to be nothing worth sitting for. They could have kicked it up a notch more, just my opinion. As far as Edge vs. Guererro, I didn't watch it because I just don't like Guererro. He may be talented but he is too much of a jackass to watch.

The other matches were as well as I thought they were going to be. I was very impressed with the HHH vs. HBK match. Michael's showed that, despite the threat of seriously hurting himself, he still had what it takes to be a showstopper. In many of the wrestling chatrooms I went to following Summerslam, everyone was impressed with the fact that he wore a shirt displaying his religious beliefs and new found way of life.

I have to agree with my fellow columnists that the Howard Finkell/Lillian Garcia crap was boring and really ridiculous to sit through before the undisputed title match. Not exactly the thing that makes you chomp at the bit in eager anticipation for that showdown you know?

The Brock vs. Rock held no surprises for anyone considering we all knew Rock was leaving for a few months to make his next movie. However, one of the biggest surprises is the crowd was booing Rock and cheering for Brock!  Hell, even Rock looked shocked! This gives the WWE a great storyline chance by making Rock a heel when he returns after his movie work.

Now, tonight's Raw showed the end of the Hardcore title, Kane's return and the news that the Undisputed title would no longer be seen on Raw as Brock was given a choice as to which one he wanted to be on exclusively. Since Steph was paying more, he chose Smackdown. Is it me or is this getting really old really fast? OK Vince, we know you do not have any real competition anymore but enough is enough with this RAW vs. Smackdown shit. First they split the Dudleys, then they set it up so that it looks like Nitro vs. WWE all over again and now no Heavyweight title on both shows. Lord, its like back in the 80's when you did not see the heavyweight title being defended on t.v. at all.

Another thing, they got rid of the Hardcore title!?!?!? What the hell are they thinking?? After all this time in the WWE, Tommy Dreamer finally gets a major push and they take it away from him by combining the Hardcore title with the Intercontinental title which both are now held by RVD. Rumors say that the hardcore title just was not getting much reaction that the WWE hoped. Well, gee, I wonder why? Maybe because the WWE did not know what hardcore was until Mick Foley and the ECW crew came into play. Even then, Mankind was the only guy who really gave that title meaning. They made everyone else tone down by hitting each other with cookie sheets and other nonsense. If they would have let them go at it ECW style people would be on their feet every time there was a hardcore title defense! They had potential when they gave it to Bubba but that soon ended. Then they put the Texas flag on it. Yeah, that really spelled hardcore. I had thought they finally gave the hardcore title a push when Dreamer became champion but now thats all over. Not a smart move.

Lastly Kane finally returned after his injury. At first it looked as if they were just showing another Kane promo in which the crowd really showed their disappointment with being teased again. Then all of a sudden out he came and kicked the Un-Americans ass. He even did a Kaneerooni to celebrate with Booker T and Goldust. He looked a little thinner but all in all he looked good, new mask and all. His appearance gave RAW a boost that it desperately needed.

Take care wrestling fans. I am getting the "F" outta here (cheap plug for the WWE).

The Mark

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