Lex Lugar May Be Heading To The WWE


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by Joe Gentry

I was watching Summerslam on Sunday up here in Canada, and I'm not sure if this Advertisement was played down in the states, but it was an ad for WWE with the slogan our season never ends, and shows numerous wrestlers training in the dark, much like the Brock Lesnar ad they've been running for Summerslam, but at the beginning of the ad they show this one superstar that doesn't fit the description of any current superstar in the WWE,they don't really show his face because of the shadows always shifting,and his face is buried in the shadow,but you can definitely see his hair is short and blonde, and looks a lot like Lex Luger,I heard he might be coming aboard in the next few months and i thought this little tidbit might be noteworthy, if i'm wrong then sue me,but it looks a lot like LEX LUGER!

Note: During that clip there was indeed a shot of Lex Lugar, but there is no confirmation on Lugar signing with WWE yet. This could mean that Lugar has signed with WWE, or this could be just another spoof from WWE.

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