The Mark Columnist


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by The Mark

Lets see if I got everything. Wedding present, reception invitation, rice for the couple...no wait, that's bad for the birds. I'll take birdseed instead.

Oh, sorry, I was just getting ready for this Thursday's Smackdown where Billy and Chuck are going to have a commitment ceremony. This has caused some to get their panties in a wad over this controversial angle.

I for one was a little surprised, as was the webmaster, that this was going to take place. So she emailed the WWE and discussed her fears about how some fans may react. First, before I move on, neither myself or the webmaster have any problems whatsoever about the angle or people of an alternative lifestyle in general. What the concern basically is, would the WWE treat being gay and the idea of a commitment ceremony as a joke. After speaking with a WWE representative on Friday afternoon, this site was assured that it would be done in an entertaining way and that they were not attempting to make the gay lifestyle look bad.

He also went on to add that they often take issues that surround our every day life and they try to do them in an entertaining way. He mentioned that no one can stop them from writing shocking angles because not everyone is going to like what they see. However, their business is to entertain and shock people. If they can get you too say,"Did you see what they did on Smackdown last night?", then they did what they set out to do. If the fans do not like what the see then can always change the channel and come back and watch later in the show. (The WWE got good and bad comments on this angle)

Now, I am not the only wrestling critic out there who is saying what I am about to say but what the hell. Saying it one more time won't hurt. Wake the fuck up people! It's 2002 for crying out loud. Face facts:

ONE) It's a wrestling program!
TWO) Sorry to tell you but who gives a damn if they do this angle or not? If you have a problem stop watching.
THREE) You are not going to approve of everything that anyone does all the time.


FOUR) No one is saying you have to embrace the idea. The WWE does not have a mind beamer in the arena or in their satellite that is going to change your sexual orientation if you watch. If you did not want to sing showtunes before watching it then chances are you won't after.

The way I see it, not everyone is going to like you if your gay, straight, black, white, into golf or a wrestling fan. Hell, I get called a redneck whenever I say I am a wrestling fan. So to all those people in the Yahoo wrestling chatrooms who said nothing but fag, queer, homo and faggot I say this to you. You have every right in the world to say that. That is the first amendment in action. However, please not get upset when I call you knuckle dragging inbred troglodytes whose parents should have just had oral sex the night you were conceived.

Until then, I have a ceremony to catch.

The Mark

(Personal note: This month marks the one year anniversary of the attacks on this country. I nor the webmaster want to rant or anything but we just want to say one thing, to quote Bubba Ray Dudley," Unite we stand, divided we fall. Guess we haven't fallen yet"

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